3 down, 2 to go
So I’ve finished and done away with three of five huge papers I have due before tomorrow. Now I have two left…LORD help me.
Tomorrow I fly almost home…I don’t actually get to go home, I just get to go to California. I’m going to have Thanksgiving at my relatives’ new home in Southern California.
So this is sad for the following reasons:
-No seeing Loreanne
-No seeing my boys (a.k.a. -my kitty cats)
-No seeing boys (a.k.a. -actual guy friends)
-No sleeping in my own bed (which is way bigger than the frail squeeky slab I sleep on now)
Yea there is a lot of other things I can’t think of right now…but I will miss them too. *sigh* Now I must go write this retarded paper. Goodnight.