Quick update
My roommate thinks I should hook up with this cute guy down the hall who is from San Diego. But he’s 20 and he’s a soph (I don’t know if I could date a guy who is younger than me). *sigh* I think I just need to be single for a while longer…I still haven’t run into anyone who really truely catches my fancy.
Josh called yesterday and I turned him down again. I feel so bad…I’ve said no to him so many times. He’s quite a persistant little booger. Oh well, it’s sorta funny. (I know, I’m mean).
School starts monday…I’m scared.
***P.S. I might finally get my own advice column in the paper! woo hoo! I need a pen name though. Help me out!
I tried thinking of pen names for you but I couldn’t think of anything good! I tried thinking of something that was two names but sounded like one word or something else when you said them together. Kind of like “Oliver Bones” is “All of our bones” you know? So I was thinking Ask Lee…because it’s an advice column and sounds like Ashley…but that’s not really what I was going for. Then I was thinking along the lines of someone who is/was really good at helping people and whatnot. So I thought of Theresa…like Mother Theresa. But, that doesn’t sound right either! I am just no help! I wanted you to know I was trying to help though 😛
Don’t rush the guy thing…you haven’t settled yet and I don’t think you need to. Wait for that one special guy…and if he’s around, wait for God to make it apparent to you; for timing to be right. No need to rush it. Talk to you later love!
I know a good name now! It’s the name of someone who has always been there to give me good advice and it’s two names that sound like one: Lori Anne. hehe. Nawh, I won’t use your name…but you have to admit – it does have that certain ring to it. 🙂 Thanks for your advice, it’s just what I needed.