And the conversation continues…
—–Original Message—–
From: Him
To: Me
Sent: 6/30/2003 6:50 PM
Subject: LORD bless you now and forever dear sister
God is definitely our sufficiency and I hope you know that I would never say anything to the contrary. However, God gives gifts like food and water and other people that we need. At base, this is all I was trying to say.
I am disappointed that you thought that I did not think that you should be like Deborah or like Ruth. I admire you because I have always seen in you Deborah and Ruth. (I still think you should do a “dear Sarah” column but that’s just me) I do not think that submission in marriage precludes greatness otherwise your namesake was not a great woman (see Peter’s take on Sarah in IPet.3). Sarah, I really believe that you should find a man who supports you in your callling… your greatness and I think that submission in marriage fits in with this.
Sarah, if you want I encourage you to look at what I wrote because I would never tell you that you were created to be a needy slave in somebody’s kitchen. You know me better than that. A man who tells a woman that that is her destiny because of the hand of her Creator is seeking to dominate not love women.
Well, LORD bless you dear sister. If you write before tomorrow morning I’ll get back to you.
My prayers are with you as well. You are a special woman and I know that God has big plans for you. That has never even been a question in my mind.
LORD bless,
—–Original Message—–
From: Him
To: Me
Sent: 6/30/2003 11:10 PM
Subject: RE: you’re wrong I need one but you can keep trying to convince me
I don’t think that I will be able to write in the morning so I just wanted to write and say that if anything I said was too harsh or blunt I am sorry. You know that I admire and respect you as an equal and I hope
that I didn’t say anything inconsistent with that. You are so dear to me, Sarah.
Thank you for being such a good friend and for being understanding with me.
LORD bless,
Can I just point out something incredibly irritating about email? It’s such a bummer that a message can be read in a completely different tone than you intended. *sigh* I have a feeling he thinks that I was chastising him or something. I mean, I’m pretty sure that I said plainly in the email that it wasn’t him…that I would have had the same reaction to any guy that was telling me stuff like that. Plus, it seems that he thinks I didn’t even read his email in the first place! (I get this impression from this line in his email: “Sarah, if you want I encourage you to look at what I wrote…”) But I DID read it! I read it like three times! Oh dear, I’m such a jerk. I feel so bad!