The computers in Weter are stupid…
This is like the third time I’ve typed this…the computers in Weter are NOT user-friendly…beware.
Well, with that said…today was a constructive day and the Lord is good. I’m leading another small group which I’m totally excited about. God has been laying this on my heart for a while and just the other day I found out that my Roommate has been feeling a similar calling. Both of us felt led to start relationship small groups. However, because my Roommate is in a relationship…she has been more focused on guiding the girls who are also involved in relationships of that nature. I, on the otherhand, am not in a relationship and have a focus leaning more towards growing closer to God and preparing yourself before entering a relationship. So I can’t wait to see where God takes us. I believe He is going to work through us and make great things happen.