One more thing…
After hearing several eye-witness accounts about a ritualistic display by a posse of male students involving a tribal dance of some sort around a large inflatable snowman, I decided it might be interesting to investigate this curious subculture of dorm rivalry. I started wondering about the ‘floor rituals’ on campus and the nature of ‘floor rivals’. If anyone has input concerning this topic, please don’t be shy.
thursday nights @ 11pm
first marston (the floor I lived on my frosh and soph year) had the tradition of naked night on thursdays. It would generally consist of playing tetris and other video games naked in some guys room. We also streaked the loop too. by the end of the year it dwindled down to like 9 guys basically running naked across the floor.
ask guys
I know the guys on sixth hill have a ton of floor ritual and rival stuff…especially for birthdays. You should ask Greg or someone from sixth. Also, I heard a funny ritual story about fifth ashton birthdays…something about stripping guys down to their boxers, throwing them in the canal and leaving them down there. I’m not sure if any of this is helpful, but that’s all I know about floor rituals and rivals.