I’m back!!!!
Hooray, it feels good to be back in my dorm room. I have missed Seattle. Break was good and I thoroughly enjoyed being home and hanging with my friends. I had a few really memorable moments which I thank the Lord for and I will always cherish. It’s really hard living in two different places. *sigh* Oh well, so it goes. 🙂 My flight home was nice and once again God provided an opportunity to minister with the person I sat next to. It was awesome! I can only pray that the seeds that were planted will grow.
So that brings me here…back in my room with my wonderful roommate who is walking on cloud nine. It’s so sweet! Her and her “special someone” from back home are finally ‘official’. They are now ‘boyfriend and girlfriend’. It’s a joy to watch how cute they are together.
Well, classes start tomorrow and I’m nervous. But I think part of that is because I’m exhausted. It’s been a busy break and it’s hard to just sit and cool down when I’m excited to see all my Seattle friends again and get caught up. I’m anxious to get back in the swing of things and establish my routine so I can just zone out and accomplish what I need to accomplish without any distractions.
With that, I wish the best to all of you reading this who are hitting the grind again. Have a great quarter/semester!