Nice girls finish last…

It’s a sad scenario. How everytime I have the chance to talk to someone that I really want to communicate with…and I botch it. Why can’t I ever say the right thing at the right time? It’s a curse. I pray and pray for the opportunity…God provides…and I wuss out. Perhaps it’s for the best. The worst part is, if I never said anything at all…I would just be looked over. This misfortune poses an unfortunate question, is it better to say something stupid…or to say nothing at all? I suppose it’s just one of those vicious cycles. *sigh* Better luck next time, eh?

*What?…what’s that you say?…I’ll look back at this misfortune and laugh?…My dear friend, I need not reflect and laugh at myself years from now…for there are plenty of people laughing at me already.*

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