Halloween and the days following…
So, unfortunately I didn’t get to be a real ninja for halloween like I wanted. Apparently I don’t own enough black clothing. I guess this means I’ll have to go shopping and fix that. *sigh* If only I had money, oh well, so it goes, right?
So instead of being an actual ninja, I went dressed as a ‘ninja cleverly disquised as my roommate’. I actually wore the same thing that my roommate decided to wear that day and she did my make-up like she normally does hers and I wore pink lipstick! I know, I know, totally out of character. So yea, that’s how it went for me. That day I went to class as usual and blah blah blah. Right after class I went to Moyer to distribute recycling bins for the rest of the day. I volunteered cuz I wanted to help out. The recycling manager guy Mike, is pretty nice and we talked for a while before he had to go distribute bins in Emerson. I was stuck in Moyer Hall all by lonesome from 3 to 9. fun fun fun. I got to read a lot of my book that I’ve been working on and I got some studying done, which was nice. So after that I went straight to my Falcon meeting. I felt kinda bad because my section of the paper was supposed to dress up as news ninjas. And I was obviously lacking in ninja attire. But I came bearing gifts! I brought a pint of ice cream for my editor to make up for it. She enjoyed that. After the meeting everyone hung around and we watched a classic horror movie, Army of Darkness. Very gory, very funny. It was good to get to hang out with my Falcon crew, I like all of them a lot.
So, the rest of the week was fine and blah blah blah. I have a huge painting due tomorrow so I’ll probably be stuck in the studio all night working on that. Not to mention this big paper I have to finish for nutrition. That was due last Friday but I didn’t get it in on time. It’s my very first late assignment and I worked so hard to try and finish it, but alas, it didn’t happen. So now I have to turn it in late. Bummer! Then on Saturday I had a blinde date from the SPU dating service. I know I know, it’s ridiculous, but my editor dared me to sign up and bam! Just like that I got matched up, haha. It was fun though, the guy was really nice and it turns out I had interviewed his brother last year for a report on the mural that he painted in Weter. Weird, huh?
Well, he picked me up Saturday around 11:30 and he took me to brunch at this cute little breakfast/lunch place and I had pancakes with strawberries, super yummy. Then he took me to the Seattle Art Museum and we looked at the main attractions. We stayed there for quite a while and then went to see Punch Drunk Love. That was a really trippy movie, not your typical Adam Sandler movie. I don’t really know what to make of it. But then we wandered around downtown and he showed me some of the art work that he and his brother did for places like Benaroya Hall and the main ballet theatre and all these really fancy places. They made these amazing glass sculptures and chandeliers. Really awesome. Then he took and showed me some art done by his favorite glass blower. After cruizing around he took me to Starbucks Cafe for dinner and we sat and talked in there for a long time. I got to learn a lot about him. He’s really really into soccer and enjoys reading. After Starbucks closed, we stopped by Barns and Noble. It was frustrating because they had all my favorite cds and DVDs on sale, but alas, I had no money! Arrrggghh. He bought Gremlins, a classic, haha. We left Barns and Noble after wandering around there for a while and we stopped at Safeway to get vanilla ice cream and root beer to make some floats and we went to his apartment to watch Gremlins and enjoy our floats.
All in all, it was a great time, we laughed a lot and has some great converations. He was a real sweet guy and a great Christian. He’s a recent graduate of SPU and lives off campus. He has two jobs and three crazy roommates, haha. One of his roommates came home dressed up as a large rodent, haha! He was a funny guy.
So that brings me to today. Poor Sarah (my roommate) scrubbed really bad when she was walking down the hill to catch the van for church this morning! She was hurting all through the service, but she’s a trooper. We went to lunch and then came back to work on homework. I made flight reservations for Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I’m excited to go home for the holidays and be with my best friend, my family and my Bible study girls again!
I was pretty proud of myself because I made two big long distance calls today. I called Quinn because he sent me an email saying he thought of me and was just wondering how I was doing. He told me he thought of me because he was talking to this girl from his volleyball class that he’s been interested in and he (as he put it) ‘pulled a Sarah’. He asked her out of the blue was she was thinking and it caught her off guard. hehe. It made me smile to know that he thought of me. So I gave him a ring, but he wasn’t home.
Then I called my parents to let them know when I was coming home. *sigh* It was good to hear my family’s voices again. haha. So yea, that is all.