Can I just say “Wow, not now”

Ok, so we had our roomies date yesterday. It was so much fun. But for a while I thought I wasn’t going to have a roomies date because my roommate got back late from an SMC retreat and hadn’t set up a date for me. But she got someone at the last minute and he was an awesome guy. We clicked right away. I set my roommate up with Jared Seigel, haha. It was almost funny how much they had in common. Turns out Jared’s brother-in-law’s best friend is having Thanksgiving at my roommate’s house! haha. They had a bunch of other trippy conections. But the guy I was set up with was sooo sweet! I just kept praying to God the whole time, “Lord, please don’t let me fall for this guy! Please! This is probably the last thing I need right now…I don’t want a crush! I don’t want a relationship!”
We spent the whole time together and I had so much fun and my roommate said that he told her that he had tons of fun too! My floor and all their dates went rollerskating and then we came back to the lounge to watch a movie and eat pizza. Guess what movie they picked??? Rush Hour 2, a classic Jackie Chan! woo hoo! Then after the movie, everyone else sort of split off to go do their own thing. But my date and I hung around and talked and played fooz ball (spelling?). Then we decided to play something else and so we went downstairs to the main lobby to play pool. He’s really good at it and so he taught me a few tricks and stuff. But for the most part we just talked and he’s such an awesome guy! I could go on, but I’ll spare you the details. (Loreanne, I’ll send you pictures, haha). So yea, this weekend has been full of blessings and I praise the Lord. Now only if He could bless me a bit more in the area of school, then I’d be set. haha.

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2 Responses to “Can I just say “Wow, not now””

  1. trademehalos says:

    He has nice eyes! But, yeah…I hope no-shave november is over soon and you can take some better pics 😛 I got the pics before I read this…funny you matched up sarah with jared. He’s changed…(for the better). Sounds like fun! I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t like the guy “Mr J”…he sounds really great. I’ll take him 😛 heheh byeee

  2. sarahmadson says:

    I’ll send you a picture of Mr. J tonight. 🙂

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