Yippi for the Dashboard Concert!
Yes, God is good…all the time! I got to go to the concert and still tithe! I’m so excited that the Lord provided great friends to help me enjoy the concert. My friend decided that he still wanted me to go and so he paid for my ticket! Super sweet. And the concert…oh boy…well, if you’ve ever been to a Dashboard concert you know they never a disapointment. It was awesome. I even got some autographs and I GOT MY T-SHIRT!!!! I’m so happy. I’m going to wear it tomorrow for sure! *sigh of contentment*
Well, now for the other stuff…not only was the concert absolubetly wonderful, but it also had it’s downsides. Although I’m the kind of person who has the ability to block out certain memories pretty well, there always seems to be something that can trigger a memory causing it to surface. That happened tonight. *sniffle* I have been soooo good too! Allow me to explain. There was this guy I really really really liked and was involved with during the summer of my senior year before coming to college. I liked him a whole lot. But to make a long story short…some really crappy stuff happened and we had to call it off and I have hardly seen or heard from him since. Anyhow, at the concert someone was wearing the same cologne or something that he used to wear. I haven’t known any guy who has ever worn that same scent. It was so hard to be reminded of that. I prayed really really hard and thankfully the Lord calmed my heart. And after that I was able to regain composure and continue enjoying the show. So the moral of the story is, God answers prayer and concerts are fun! yippi!