Yes, I’m a copy cat too! hehe
01. When did we meet?
02. How did we meet?
03. Have we ever met in person?
04. Have we ever talked on the phone?
05. Have you ever seen me cry?
06. Have you ever seen me dance?
07. Describe me using three or less words:
08. If you could spend a day with me, what would we do?
09. Have we ever gotten in a fight?
10. Have you ever dreamt of me? If so, tell me about it:
11. If you could give me a present, what would it be?
12. Would you hug me?
13. Would you kiss me?
14. What do you REALLY think of me?
15. Do you trust me?
16. Do you know something about me that no one else knows?
17. Do you even know how old I am (without looking at my LJ profile! Don’t cheat!)?
18. Anything you wanted to tell me but never got a chance to?
*Post a comment with your answers! I know you want to…all the cool kids are doing it…*
01. When did we meet? before earth…we’ve known each other THAT long! like 1 1/2 years old π
02. How did we meet? Yes, I like the “Biwy” story too…but uhm…actually my mom went to your house and said she’d noticed there were kids in your house and “could we have them play together” and such
03. Have we ever met in person? I’m not sure about this one?
04. Have we ever talked on the phone? I think so…maybe a billion times.
05. Have you ever seen me cry? yes very few times…such a big girl you are
06. Have you ever seen me dance? yes π
07. Describe me using three or less words: my best friend!
08. If you could spend a day with me, what would we do? “same thing we do every [day] pinky!” π Uhm…we’d extend the length of the day near to eternity and travel the world
09. Have we ever gotten in a fight? the times are countless…but we’re REAL friends because we always make up! “I don’t want to put the blankets here this time! I WANT THE FORT THERE!” (or something to that lame extent :P) “No, you’re wrong” π good times, good times
10. Have you ever dreamt of me? If so, tell me about it: many times…I don’t remember
11. If you could give me a present, what would it be? What do you not have? I would give you a really peaceful beautiful place to write or think at that was all your own…like a pond with a little bridge over it and a bench next to it to sit on with a big shady tree leaning over it. Or something to that effect. It would be…perfect
12. Would you hug me? of course!
13. Would you kiss me? yes yes on your cheek and I have…but a long time ago I think?
14. What do you REALLY think of me? *kicks the dirt embarrassedly and gets all pink-cheeked* aww shucks..hehe j/k! I think you’re super duper friend-quality! You know how to get weird and laugh at stupid stuff that is only funny when we’re talking about it and you know when to be serious. You’re beautiful, integrous, intelligent (you definately know how to carry on a conversation!), creative, and overall amazing! I am blessed to have you in my life and I’m SO glad we lived next to each other those many long years ago or we may have never met! Any guy would be lucky to have you but only one special guy will be privelaged enough! *muah!*
15. Do you trust me? completely…except you should stop lying to me! π
16. Do you know something about me that no one else knows? I know lots of things about you π
17. Do you even know how old I am (without looking at my LJ profile! Don’t cheat!)? yes yes! You’re two days less than a month older than me!
18. Anything you wanted to tell me but never got a chance to? Not that I can think of…but most times if I want to tell you something I do…unless I forget, in which case it obviously wasn’t important enough!
01. When did we meet?- last year around february
02. How did we meet?- instant messenger
03. Have we ever met in person?- no
04. Have we ever talked on the phone?- actually yes, weeks ago
05. Have you ever seen me cry?- no
06. Have you ever seen me dance?- no
07. Describe me using three or less words: jareds friend sarah
08. If you could spend a day with me, what would we do? i would draw you
09. Have we ever gotten in a fight? hope not
10. Have you ever dreamt of me? If so, tell me about it: don’t think so, but its possible
11. If you could give me a present, what would it be? a drawing of yourself. those are good presents.
12. Would you hug me? sure
13. Would you kiss me? if in the right moment, sure
14. What do you REALLY think of me? you are jared’s friend sarah. pretty eyes.
15. Do you trust me? as much as anyone.
16. Do you know something about me that no one else knows? nope, though i hear you look great in a catwoman costume.
17. Do you even know how old I am (without looking at my LJ profile! Don’t cheat!)? -20, i would guess?
18. Anything you wanted to tell me but never got a chance to? – Come visit jared, he wants you to but doesnt’ want to make it awkward
Re: comments
Who is this? How do you know about my journal? Are you Jared’s roommate? If this is who I think it is, it’s good to hear from you. I hope all has been well!
yeah, i still have a lovely girlfriend, so i’m not stalking you or anything, but sometimes when i get bored and i’m at my computer, i read your LJ since jars never updates his. sorry if i freaked you out! eric
No worries, I’m not freaked out. I’m glad to hear you’re doing well! And I’m glad to know that people actually read my pointless thoughts and commentary. hehe. Tell Jared he needs to update or at least respond to email! There are people who care about him! Give him a nice punch in the arm for me, hehe.
01. When did we meet?junior high
02. How did we meet? in church, or by your dad
03. Have we ever met in person?yes
04. Have we ever talked on the phone?yes
05. Have you ever seen me cry?dont think so
06. Have you ever seen me dance?no
07. Describe me using three or less words:beautiful, talented, Godly
08. If you could spend a day with me, what would we do?the beach again- talk, clam chowder, laugh under the stars
09. Have we ever gotten in a fight?no
10. Have you ever dreamt of me? If so, tell me about it:oh yes, it was mostly me listening to you cry… there have been others
11. If you could give me a present, what would it be?one pink rose
12. Would you hug me?yes
13. Would you kiss me?YES
14. What do you REALLY think of me?i think the entire world of you
15. Do you trust me?entirely
16. Do you know something about me that no one else knows?i think i do
17. Do you even know how old I am (without looking at my LJ profile! Don’t cheat!)?20
18. Anything you wanted to tell me but never got a chance to?i’ve wished that i could be with you for years
somehow that all seems safe to say because you will never read this old journal again