Walking Hormones…
Yes, my floor is full of walking hormones. My roommate and I came to this conclusion not too long ago. All but four girls on our floor are freshman, so I guess they sort of have an excuse. But honestly, it gets old after a while.
My roommate was talking with her mom on the phone the other day. Naturally the conversation came to the point where they talk about “the roommate” (which is me). And she starts talking about my weekly ‘misfortunes’, and more times than not, those misfortunes have to do with guys. Just my luck, eh?
She told her mom about my great journey to the guy floors on a mission to find quotes for three different articles. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the story, I needed some quotes for a story concerning a new building on campus and I had to get some quotes from guys because the quotes I already had were all from girls. So I ventured to the guy floors in our hall and naturally I arrived at an awkward time. The doors to the elevator open and there is a guy walking down the hall with nothing but a towel (a very small towel) sagging around his hips. I feel particularly bad for the freshman who came with me, and I can’t even imagine how embarrassed the guy in the unusually small towel was. haha.
But that’s just one incident out of many that she enlightened her mom about, haha. It was right after that episode that I made the grand proclimation to my roommate that my future husband probably doesn’t even go to this school.
Somehow, after she updated her mom on all of my antics for the week, her mom came to the conclusion for all I know, I’ll probably end up with a vaccuum salesman or something. So now, every time my roomate sees a cute guy which she feels the need to point out to me, she says something to the extent of “Hey, that looks like a potential Vaccuum-Boy!” haha…but hey, you never know, right?
Your future might also be in the building right across from you. You never know. If you think about it, you are in a complex filled with hundreds of christian guys… the odds are in your favor. It’s not like it’s Santa Cruz up there or somthing…
Even if it was, all the guys you met in Santa Cruz agree that your hot.
HAHA, you are very right. As a matter of fact, the building right across from me is holding a men’s fashion show. They announced it like twice during dinner…sending out an invitation to all the ladies of SPU. But I figured it was more important to study for the tests I have tomorrow, finish my two new articles and write a letter to my Granny. I kinda wish I could go, but then again, I’m not sure I want to participate in the meat market.
Tell the guys at Santa Cruz thank you for the compliment. That is very nice of them to say! Say hi to them for me and let them know that they are in my prayers and I hope classes are going well.