Another one…(thanks Loreanne!)

The survey all about you and what you want in a boyfriend/girlfriend ===========YOU=========== —–Looks—- Race: mostly German and Hungarian Nationality: American Hair color: white blonde, with strawberry/ honey color underneath (if you wanna get technical) Eye color: blue Height: 5’8″ Build: ummm…tall? slender? (not quite sure what they mean by this) —–Likes—– Color: blue and […]

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A quiz

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Mas Preguntas…a fun email from a friend…

Change the answers in this survey so they apply to you, then send it to a whole bunch of people, including the one who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot about the people you send it to including some things you really could care less about. Remember to […]

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More questions! hooray….

Name Four Bad Habits You Have: 1. day-dreaming 2. cracking my knuckles and toes 3. exaggerating ALL THE TIME…EVER 4. forgetfulness Name Four Things That You Wish You Had: 1. my digital camera cable 2. my best friend here with me 3. more time 4. motivation/ inspiration Name Four Scents You Love: 1. the smell […]

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woo hoo, a raid…

Well our brother floor (6th Ashton) raided us tonight and we played some games and talked with different people as we walked to Queen Anne and back. It was fun. We played some games in the Safeway at the top of the block and caused a bit of mischief. I met some really cool guys. […]

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Some random thoughts before class starts….

Yes, I took a moment before my next class to stop and think. To ponder the oddities of life and engage in a natural God-given talent of random questions. 1. Do fish ever sleep? 2. Can Altoids go bad? 3. Why is it that all the brilliant ideas come to mind when you don’t have […]

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Super cool email I got from a friend

Too many people put off something that brings them joy just because they haven’t thought about it, don’t have it on their schedule, didn’t know it was coming or are too rigid to depart from their routine. I got to thinking one day about all those women on the Titanic who passed up dessert at […]

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Not really sure how accurate this thing is…but what the hay!

I have issues with… nature excess paranormal poor work Take Word Association Test

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Yes, I’m a copy cat too! hehe

01. When did we meet? 02. How did we meet? 03. Have we ever met in person? 04. Have we ever talked on the phone? 05. Have you ever seen me cry? 06. Have you ever seen me dance? 07. Describe me using three or less words: 08. If you could spend a day with […]

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Once again, interesting….

What Kind of Fruit Are You? brought to you by Quizilla

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