Another one…(thanks Loreanne!)
The survey all about you and what you want in a boyfriend/girlfriend
Race: mostly German and Hungarian
Nationality: American
Hair color: white blonde, with strawberry/ honey color underneath (if you wanna get technical)
Eye color: blue
Height: 5’8″
Build: ummm…tall? slender? (not quite sure what they mean by this)
Color: blue and maroon
Food: pasta
Place: home, beautiful places of nature! (forest, beach, etc.)
Store: Best Buy, Barnes and Noble, Bed Bath and Beyond, Abercrombie, Walmart, Target
Music: Rock, scores (soundtracks), classical, Christian
Activity: whatever is fun! hanging out with friends, playing tennis, hiking, etc.
Other?: I like, ummm, talking?
——All About Your quirks——
Your top two bad habits that you think your b/f or g/f would be irritated with: I can get antsy sometimes and restless. I guess being indecisive and occationally passive would also get annoying.
Your favorite part of relationships: having someone to be excited about, to hug whenever I want and to do stuff for. Also it’s fun to have someone to pick on, hehe. j/k
Favorite thing for a guy/girl to do for you: listen and care. Be thoughtful and trusting me
Favorite place to be kissed: back of the hand (so charming!) or lips (naturally)
Your top 5 interests: movies/theatre, music/art, reading/writing, traveling, my faith and having fun!
Your top 5 abilities/qualities (i.e. skateboarding, pianist, artist): Christian, writing, listening, insight, tennis, other stuff
——–Rate the following 0-10 (10 highest) according to how well/badly you achieve this quality——-
Honesty: 9 1/2! No one ALWAYS tells the truth.
Dependability: hmm 8
Humor: 9
Cheerfulness: 8
Emotional Stability: 10
Energy level: 6
Spirituality: 9
Ambition: 9
Motivation: 8
Knowledge of politics: 5
Knowledge of world news: 8
Quick to anger: 2
Instigator (of fights, etc): 1
Creativity: 9
Intelligence: 9
Maturity: 9
Individuality: 10
Conversationalist: 9
Spontaneity: 10
Ability to have fun: 10
Party animal: I’m not down with drugs/drinking/sex and whatnot so I guess I’m a 0
Gossiping: 4
Sloppiness: 3 (I’m only messy in my own space)
Drinker: 0
Smoker: 0
Druggie: 0
Porn addict: 0
Money Management: 7 (I’m working on it!)
Arrogance: 3
Promiscuousness: 0
Cling-factor: 1
These answers are based on what you want in the “perfect” boyfriend/girlfriend. Not necessarily who you are with now.
Race: any combination of white or mostly white.
Nationality: American
Hair color: brown (spiked with sideburns mmm 🙂 I’d have to agree with Loreanne!
Eye color: blue or green (ooh with long eyelashes) definitly
Height: taller than me! 5’8″+
Build: athletic, nicely toned preferably
—–Must Like—-
Food: meat, pasta, pizza, fruit and veggis (a balanced diet, hehe)
Place: uhm…wherever I am 🙂
Music: rock, and have knowledge of most other music
Activity: must have culture (theatre, intellect, etc.) He has to appreciate hanging out with me as well as his own friends and be active in his own life too! Actively seeking God.
Store: Walmart, book stores, music stores, grocery stores, Abercrombie (he has to know how to dress decently! hehe)
Other?: Literate, and have a sense of humor and be spontanious sometimes!
——–All about his/her quirks or what you will bring to the relationship——–
Top two bad habits he/she cannot have: smoking/drugs and drinking
Top 5 interests he/she must be into: music, books, conversations, movies, have a super strong faith in Christ and be able to entertain himself and others, etc.
What special thing you would do for/with him/her often: I’d always be there for him and support him in whatever he is passionate about. I’d suprise him with special things all the time like cook for him or leave him random notes of encouragement and such. I’d most certainly pray for him all the time too!
Favorite place to kiss him/her: cheek or lips
Top 5 abilities/qualities he/she must have (i.e. skateboarding, pianist, artist): Christian/supportive, motivated, healthy! integrous, thoughtful/loving
——–Rate the following 0-10 (10 highest) according to the importance you have on this quality in a boyfriend/girlfriend ——-
Honesty: 10
Dependability: 9
Humor: 10
Cheerfulness: 8
Emotional Stability: 10
Energy level: 7
Spirituality: 10
Ambition: 9
Motivation: 9
Knowledge of politics: 8
Knowledge of world news: 7
Quick to anger: 1
Instigator (of fights, etc): 1
Creativity: 10
Intelligence: 9
Maturity: 8
Individuality: 10
Conversationalist: 9
Spontaneity: 8
Ability to have fun: 10
Party animal: 1
Gossiping: 1
Sloppiness: 5
Drinker: 1
Smoker: 0
Druggie: 0
Porn addict: 0
Money Management: 8
Arrogance: 3
Promiscuousness: 0
Cling-factor: 1
Place/reason to meet: Through friends
Kissing place: parks, lakes, beaches, under the stars or clouds
Date movie: romantic comedy …oooor…KUNG-FU! hehe
Frequent dating place: a plaza, parks, resturaunts, anywhere romantic and fun
Way to be asked to be his/her significant other: “You mean a lot to me and I’d love more than anything if you would be my girl (angel)” or something to that extent. Something thoughtful and sincere.
Compliment he/she could give you: Something sincere and timely, that would fit the moment…like “I appreciate you soooo much!” or “You look [fill in the blank with flattering descriptive word] today.” You get the idea.
Place/reason to meet: in an alley?
Kissing place: in class
Date movie: gory movies.
Frequent dating place: cheap fast food place
Way to be asked to be his/her significant other: “Sooooo, you know I’m hot and I know you wanna get wit me, what do ya say?”
Compliment he/she could give you: “you look sooooo much better when you put on make-up and dress nice like that.”
Rate this survey 0-10: 10 weeeee
lol @ these answers:
Place/reason to meet: in an alley?
Way to be asked to be his/her significant other: “Sooooo, you know I’m hot and I know you wanna get wit me, what do ya say?”
Compliment he/she could give you: “you look sooooo much better when you put on make-up and dress nice like that.”
I agree at that worst compliment! that’s bad!