Pray for Jimmy!
Bummer, I think my fish Jimmy is a bit sick. He didn’t finish his lunch! *gasp* I think he’s just tank-sick. He’s been in a temporary travel tank for about three days now. He prolly wants to get back to his original digs. Anyhow, the first day of classes went smoothly. I thank God so much for that. I’m pretty pumped about my classes. I have oil painting, intro to communications and bio: human nutrition. I like all of them so far and they are all on topics that I’m interested in.
The girls on my floor are all freshman except for two other sophomores. They are all really sweet and I’m anxious to get to know them better.
Once again I have been assurred today that God is going to do some amazing things this year. I found that assurrance when I checked my email the other day. I had so many e-cards and little notes of encouragment from my Bible study girls! I was so happy to hear from them and so far they are doing great! I thank the Lord for them. I miss them and my other friends a lot though. But I’m excited to see all my SPU friends too.
So, in summary…so far, so good!
aww poor Jimmy…but I’m glad your first day of classes went well. Definately good I’m glad you’re having fun being back there too…I’m missing our talks and such already! *sob*