God’s mysterious ways of working

I’ve been looking for a new job for some time now and still haven’t found anything. What’s tough is holding down my current job while sending out my resumes and cover letters in a timely manor. Another tough thing is taking the time to browse job listing site without being too conspicuous.

So a couple days ago I started getting these emails from HR personel. Every time it’s been from different companies thinking I’m a newspaper. I suppose my email is really similar to a local publication. So these emails have been requests to place ads listing jobs!

So far the jobs have been for payroll assistant, administrative assistant and other jobs of that nature. I could try and respond to let them know they’ve sent the message to the wrong person…but I love having first dibs!

Thank you Lord for making my job search that much easier.

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One Response to “God’s mysterious ways of working”

  1. nerdalie says:

    Thanks!! 🙂
    I can’t tell you how much I enjoy reading your posts. God has definitely blessed you with an amazing talent when it comes to writing. It’s not only your style of writing that I enjoy, but more specifically your words that encourage me!
    It’s nice to not feel alone when I also see myself struggling with similar things!

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