Actually, about that last entry…

Yea, that last entry was from last Monday. But I couldn’t post it until today because livejournal was being retarded. Anyhow, about today…it’s gloomy and rainy. Blah. I’ve got tons of work to do, but I’m not letting it drag me down. I didn’t get to bed until really late last night because of a ‘mini-test’ for my UCOR class. I didn’t get to start on it until after 11pm, mostly because of an article I was working on. The people I needed to get a hold of were taking forever to get back to me.
In other news…my roommate convinced me to go ahead and apply for the PA position. I figure even if I do get accepted as assistant news editor and PA, I can always choose to back out of one position or the other. I just pray that God will open my eyes to make His vision clear to me.
I miss my best friend and my parents are coming tomorrow for Family weekend. I wish she could tag along with them. *sniffle*

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One Response to “Actually, about that last entry…”

  1. jblack says:

    “didn’t get to start on it untill after 11pm, mostly because of the article I was working on…” riiiight…… sure, or, quite possibly because some dumb person always calls when you have work to do… hmmm… though- I don’t supposse he’ll stop calling unless you ask him to. I think he is probably sorry… who knows?

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